Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring Cleaning

I've had three days two weeks where I've reluctantly sent Jackson off the "school" so that I could tackle spring cleaning in our humble abode. I hate cleaning, but there is something about spring cleaning that gets my energy up. I play loud music while I scrub, vacuum, dust, and sweep. And while the mundane, week-to-week cleaning is so unappealing to me that if often doesn't get done, I can somehow get up for this once a year, several day, cleaning job (it does help if the sun is out, otherwise it doesn't really feel like spring). Last year, having a brand new baby in the home, not much of my spring cleaning got done. However, what cleaning I did choose to do, I made an effort to significant cut down on the chemicals for fear of impacting Jackson's respiratory system. My world because inundated with information on using baking soda, vinegar, good ol' soap and water, and essential oils to make everything smell pretty :) Odd as it sounds, there is something kinda fun about making your own cleaning solution (aside from saving tons of money). Here are my favorite tips:

1. Use castile soap or plain baking soda with a little water to scrub soap scum from your shower and tub. This is hands-down the best cleaning tip I have. This is the most effective way I have found to clean the shower, and it's SO CHEAP!
2. Add a few drops of castile soap to a bucket or sink full of water to clean the floors and counters. Smells good and is completely non-toxic.
3. Vinegar kills bacteria, so after wiping down the counters, I'll spray then with diluted vinegar and then wipe them dry.
4.   Make your own all-purpose shower cleaning spray by mixing 2 cups water, 1/2 cup vinegar and 1 big squirt of liquid castile soap or eco-friendly dishwashing detergent.  You can also add about 20 drops of antiseptic essential oil like tea tree or grapefruit seed oil.  Both the vinegar and the essential oils work to prevent mold. 
5. Spray mold with straight vinegar to kill spores.
6. Mix up a paste of baking soda or borax (a naturally occurring mineral) and scrub with a toothbrush.  
7. To bleach stubborn stains, mix 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 cup water in a spray bottle.  Spray stains and leave to dry.

Happy Cleaning!

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