Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lymphatic Vacuum Massage....say what?!?!?

Okay, so I had the craziest thing done to me the other day (at the encouraging of my mom...). I had lymphatic vacuum massage, otherwise known as Vacumie. If you have read my previous posts, you know my frustration with my face (I mean, I'm 29 years old and I'm struggling with acne?!?! Really!?!?!). Well, my mom works with a reflexologist in Sun Valley who also uses a vacuuming technique (similar to cupping which is an old healing method used for thousands of years all over the world) that stimulates the lymphatic system. Her hopes are that if we empty the toxins from my body, it can help my skin heal itself. The lymphatic systems aides in the immune system in destroying pathogens and filtering waste, removes excess fluid, waste, debris, dead blood cells, pathogens, cancer cells, and toxins from these cells and the tissue spaces between then, and it works with the circulatory system to deliver nutrients, oxygen and hormones from the blood to the cells that make up the tissues of the body. So with that knowledge in hand, I walked into this appointment not having a clue what was coming my way...

Oh yes, it's really a suction machine. And by that I mean it literally sucks up your skin...craziest thing I've ever seen! The idea is that because fat cells store toxins the movement of the vacuum over the skin helps to break up the fat cells as well as bring blood to the cells to help temporarily increase circulation to help flush out the toxins into the lymph so that they can be excreted from the body. An added bonus?? It helps with the dreaded cellulite!! Woot-woot! (Cellulite is hardened fat cells)...Well, except that you have to do it somewhat frequently (which the Larson budget does not allow for). The whole procedure took two hours and was not relaxing in the least (in case you were wondering). 

I'm not sure if it will work (it's not an immediate fix), but I will tell you that it made me break out a bit in weird spots on my face, so maybe that means it is pulling out toxins? Not sure, but it was a cool experience.  Here's a video if you are more curious about it. This service is offered everywhere, just Google it, you won't believe how common it is in spas and in naturopathic facilities. 

Let me know if you have tried it or have questions :)

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