Thursday, May 26, 2011

Big Pharm

As a country, we are more reliant on pharmaceuticals (i.e. drugs) than ever and yet we're sicker than ever! A connection? Probably. There is a ton of new information emerging about how the drug companies are actually behind creating the reasons for these drugs (it always comes back to money). If you read my post of the American Cancer Society, you know I'm a bit of conspiracy theorist, but only when well-founded. There are drugs for everything from depression to anxiety to diabetes, etc. And many of them have un-researched interactions with the potential to have dangerous side effects. Did you know that several research studies have found that exercise is as effective as the leading drug in fighting moderate depression? And so many of the "diseases" that drugs are aimed at fixing could be cured with healthy eating, exercise, and weight loss? Don't even get me started on how over-medicated our kids are. There is a bunch of research out stating that kids with ADD/ADHD actually have significant improvements in behavior and attention span when they eat a healthy, whole foods diet (read: low in sugar) and get adequate exercise (and sleep too!), yet our doctors continue to medicate these children. Why don't we take the time to educate parents on a healthy diet for their children? I get so frustrated by how much of a "fix-it now" society we are (although I'm super guilty of this too), that we don't take the time to take care of ourselves. Instead, we turn to our doctors to fix us. History tells us that we won't even know the dangers of many of these drugs until after they've been on the market for a long time (because the FDA does no long term research on these guys). I'm blogging about this just to put the bug in your ear. I'm not saying that there aren't legitimate reasons for prescription and OTC drugs. I just want to help all of us be more aware of what we are putting in our bodies and to realize that our doctors do not know all. Do not be afraid to ask questions, ask for second opinions, and alternate therapies.

I apologize for this blunt post, but I am so tired and the words are beginning to run together :) Ah, how life has changed after baby...

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