Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stepping Out On A Very Lonely Branch...

This is something that I read about a while ago, but never took the time to really pursue (nor was I brave enough to share my newfound discovery with others). But it has popped up in my life again, so here it goes. The American Cancer Society is an association riddled with conflicts of interest and is not looking out for those diagnosed with cancer. Here's why:

First of all, it is the most profitable non-profit, although that in and of itself isn't a crime. However, it has ties to the pesticide and mammography industry and it places a huge emphasis on chemotherapy and radiation because it has ties to those industries as well. They stress treatment versus prevention (as does most of our health care industry)...don't forget that treatment generates a heck of a lot more money than prevention does. In 2005, Dr. Samuel Epstein, the former head on the congressional committee against cancer, charged that the ACS deliberately withheld information on the environmental causes of cancer. That was SIX years ago...did you hear about it? Neither did I.

Remember that diet is the most important factor when trying to prevent and beat cancer. There are many natural medicine doctors who have had significant success with eliminating various foods that feed cancer cells.


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