Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

There's nothing like a Sunday morning in May to remind us of how important mothers are. Mom's are like the glue that holds a family together (not that dads aren't important!) There is something so special about the mother-child relationship that I didn't fully appreciate until I had a child of my own. There's something about bonding over 3am feedings, cleaning up spit-up, dealing with absolutely disgusting diapers, and trudging through the mounds of information of what's safe and not that makes you feel incredibly close to your own mother. Many, many times I've found myself asking my own mom for advice, and while I don't always agree with her, it's so nice to be able to ask her any question that pops to mind, and more often than not, she has some tid-bit of useful information that only a seasoned mom could provide. Having parenthood in common has brought my mom and I closer than we were before, and I just love having her as my best friend.

After becoming a mom, I soon realized that all any mother wants to hear is that she's doing a good job. From the day the first baby is born, a mom's identity shifts from her own ego and concern for self, to absolute concern for her child's well being and happiness. It's not an easy shift, but it does happen, a little bit at a time (and eventually has to shift back a bit to include the dad as well) :) I do believe our generation has it better than the one before us. Our society is much more warm and fuzzy that during our parents generation (I'm making a GROSS generalization here). But we live now in a era where expressing emotion is much more acceptable than in generations before us, and this has made being a mom a tad bit easier, because it has become a team effort. Grandparents want to be more involved in their grandchildren's lives, and if you are lucky enough to have family close, you get to reap the benefits of having built-in babysitters.

Having a strong family unit is so important today, and I sometimes feel that the importance of this is overlooked by many. In a society that placed so much emphasis on STUFF, I often feel that technology has become a stand-in for good parents. On more than one occasion, I've seen families at lunch or dinner and all the kids are plugged in to their ipads or ipod touches. Or I'll be driving down the street and see kids watching movies in the back seat of the minivan. And I think to myself, where are the parents? Why aren't they enjoying the amazingness that is their children? Why aren't they enjoying the time they get to be together as a family? My husband will relay stories to me about what many high schoolers are doing in their spare time (hint: it's not playing Scrabble) and it just makes me so sad. Where are the parents?

I'm constantly reminded of what I don't want to do as a mom. That's the easy part. The hard part is trying to do all the right things to shape our child's life so that he is respectful, responsible, happy, and genuine. That's a lot of pressure! I have to remember that I will not always do the right thing. I will not always be perfect. As my mom said at my wedding: "I was not always the perfect mom, but I loved you perfectly." This is my mantra. Thanks Mama, for reminding me that, just as you taught me growing up, I can only do my best. I may not be the perfect mom, but I am the perfect mom for my son. Happy Mother's Day to all of you....

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