Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lent Begins...

Today was a big day for all those Catholics out there. Today was Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, a time of reflection and preparation for Easter (my second favorite time of year, after Christmas). For Catholics, it also is a time of sacrifice as we remember Christ's sacrifice for us. We are encouraged to give up a vice for 40 days as our own sacrifice. In the past, every time I've chosen to give something, it's appeal has taken over and I haven't succeeded. So then I took to adding something positive into my life (which is how I finally got back into going to church years ago). But this year, I'd really like to give up sugar, the processed, added kind. I know how bad it is for me, and I preach against it, but I have such an addiction to it, although it is significantly better than in the past. There has been research indicating that a part of the brain that "lights up" after drug use, also "lights up" after food bingers eat high sugar, high fat foods. Giving up a sugar addiction can be as difficult as giving up a drug addiction. 

I've given up sugar before. It was at a time when I felt out of control with sugar. I would have one bite and not be able to stop. I'd spend all day craving it and then just eat until I felt sick. When I gave it up, it was brief, but I felt so amazing. I was less tired and had much more energy. When I returned to eating sugar, I was (and am still) able to eat much less to get the same enjoyment. So now I'm doing it again, but this time to see if it improves my skin. Sugar causes inflammation in the body, and that includes on the surface of the skin. So, 40 days and 40 nights...hoping I can do it! 

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