Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Nothing is more refreshing than a good toothbrushing each morning and night. You get the wonderful fresh breath that's hard to get any other way. However, very few people realize that dangerous chemicals are lurking in their toothpaste. I'll tackle them one-by-one, starting with fluoride.

Fluoride: please see my previous blog on this, but I've stumbled across more research to support my concern. A study of the University of Michigan in 1997 found that the use of fluoride actually increased tooth and bone decay. This was supported by another research study in 2008. A research study at the National Center for Toxicological Research reported correlation between decreasing fertility rates in women and increasing fluoride levels. There is so much more research out there, but I won't bore you. Just realize that fluoride may not be all it is cracked up to be.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate: ANYTHING containing the word "sulfate" should be avoided. It is a serious irritant. Also, "laureth" indicates that a process call ethoxylation occurred, which releases carcinogen 1,4-Dioxane into the product, although it does not have to be reported on the label because it is released during manufacturing.

Sodium saccharin: This is a sweetener that is used to make toothpaste taste better, even though there are studies that date back as early as 1970 that link saccharin to cancer in animals. There have been recent studies that link it to bladder control issues as well.

Dyes: Most of the toothpastes on the market have multiple dyes in them to make them visually appealing.

I haven't used a fluoride toothpaste in over a year and haven't heard any complaints from my dentist yet! My favorite is Tom's of Maine, their fluoride-free, sulfate-free version. Do not be fooled, not all of the Tom's brand are safe, in my mind. Most of them contain sulfates, so read the label.

If you feel the need to use a fluoride rinse, please consider using one that is free of artificial dyes. I was so excited to finally find one at PCC made by Natural Dentist. Yes, the price is a bit high, but my husband's dentist insists he use one, so we budget for it.

It is not only important to take care of our teeth, but also our little one's. We primarily use a fluoride-free paste for my son, but because my naturopathic pediatrician does feel that a small amount of fluoride won't hurt him, I compromise and give him fluoride toothpaste 1-2x/week. And the amount is the size of a lentil. And I still feel guilty. But I'm trying to not be overly paranoid and still protect my son's teeth. I had serious fluorosis (damage to the teeth from excessive fluoride) until I had veneers put in, and I don't want him to have to go through that.

I'm off to brush my teeth and say goodnight....

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