Monday, March 21, 2011

Vaccines are being linked to breast cancer

It seems like an unlikely connection, doesn't it? I was skeptical when I first read the headline...and I will also let you know that I did try to track down any other research on this connection, but I found only one other site and it only briefly mentioned the connection. Here's the claim: a large number of studies have shown the connection between free iron concentrations in breast tissue and stimulation of aggressive, deadly cancer cells, thus the claim that iron is needed for cancer development. In addition, a recent study found that women with breast cancer had 4x the amount of aluminum in nipple fluid (I'll save the overuse of aluminum for another post). These women with breast cancer also had 5x the amount of ferritin, which is an iron transport protein. BUT iron intake does not necessary correlate with free iron in the body. Stay with what is important to know, is how free iron (iron not being used for other bodily functions) comes to be (it is this iron that has the potential to cause cancer). A few ways have been determined: 1) alcoholic intake greater than 20g alcohol/day resulted in a significant increase in free iron in women's breast tissue 2) excessive estrogen in the body (don't forget that soy is an estrogenic and imitates estrogen) 3) both alcohol and aluminum can displace iron, raising levels of free iron. SO I hope you are now asking, where are the levels of aluminum coming from? Well, it is likely coming from your antiperspirant, but more alarmingly, aluminum is in almost all vaccines. Yes, the same aluminum that has been linked to Alzheimer's...A recent study that is currently being published, found that infants have 20x the amount that FDA deems safe and that a six month old has 50x the amount deemed safe. Yikes!

Does that make sense? I just tried explaining it to my husband and it took a few tries, but I think I finally made sense :)

This if fairly new research, but I'm hoping we hear more about this in the next few months, but I have such little faith in mainstream media so we'll see.

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